RIP Sadhana - Sussane Hober Joseph.

Being year end and having the luxury of an extended week end allowed me to read at length the stories in morning paper today(26/12/15).

Two pieces, both obituaries are staying in mind; for their achievements and their life in general.

One  Style icon Sadhana - the erstwhile lead actor of those times when my friends introduced to these and more at college in Pilani. But it was tragic to know that she was all alone and desired to be left alone in her last days. It is very difficult to comment unless one knows the many reasons which made her choose this option; but it is suffice to say that the support systems should have been available had one chosen to come out of such self denials.

Contrasting this with the other obituary os Ms. Sussane Hober  Rudolph. I am not familiar with her writings or her. This is the first time I read about her. But it was touching and reflects how a determined individual can make provide an insight of the functioning of a society to which she does not belong.

A quote from her book will stay with me for long:

“The assumption that modernity and tradition are radically contradictory rests on a misdiagnosis of tradition as it is found in traditional societies, a misunderstanding of modernity as it found in modern societies, and a misapprehension of the relationship between them.”

RIP Sadhana, Sussane Hober Joseph.

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