Going over the Hill

I know that at some age one is supposed to feel old and that it is not fixed that one should feel old say at fifty. It varies from person to person.

But when you do feel it, it is shocking.

It is shocking because suddenly you are aware of things which are common knowledge to you but are historical facts for many!

It is shocking because, even though you want to do something, your body does not respond as it has been for decades and you know that you have to slow down.

It is shocking because, you eat less and you do not crave for food.

It is shocking because you have joined the walking group till recently you used to avoid because they were slow

It is shocking because that you know that you have limited (but still lots and lots) time to complete the things you set of to do.

One of the person whom I respect used to say that when you cross fifty you realise that the world can do with out you and when you cross Seventy the world is better off with out you. Now that I have crossed fifty, I do not have that feeling. I am relaising that the infinite energy and time which I had always assumed to be my birth right is no longer true. They are limited and I have used up quite a lot.

I need to commit myself to the job at hand more diligently and complete what I had been made for and that too as early as possible

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