Higher Education - A total need revamp required

Approach to higher education, needs a total revamp. Policy makers are aware of the need but are doing very little as they are still grappling with the problem of education at the Primary level. They are also focused on side issues such as Reservations as they feel that this is politically correct. They could not be more worng.

Whenever, Government has distanced itself from any sector India Inc has risen up to the occasion. The Cement sector, Automobiles and Telecom sector stand out as shining examples. In the education segment when the need for harnessing Private sector investment was recognised and policy guidelines were being formulated, in the mid eighties, politicians who are also great entrepreneurs grabbed the opportunity. When they enter a field they instinctively block the others entry, as by nature they are very competitive and like the armed forces are trained to protect their turf by any means.

So it is necessary for the governments both at the center and the states to stay away, to encourage investment in this segment. They will do a lot of good including themselves, it they observe the Sector from arm's length. One need not look farther than the Tata Institute (now Indian Institute of Science), Birla Institute of Technology and Science Annamali University and more recently SSN college and many more like that to realise that India Inc is aware of the need to contribute their might and have proved their ability in doing it as well. The products of these institution are committed to the up liftment of India Inc as a whole. It is not mandatory for these students to work for the firms which had funded these institutions at the inception and they are free to work anywhere.

If Government decides on these lines and provide enabling provisions for India Inc to enter this segment with out any hidden agenda I am sure we will see a clear solution emerge in the next five years.

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