Some moments in history happen and others are planned & created, like this one by the house of TATAs. While the leader RATANji hogs the limelight as he truly deserves, this moment is the culmination of the efforts of the numerous dedicated engineers and workers, both with in the house of TATAs and those who over the years have reposed faith and extended unflinching support to the effort.
By any standards, an investment bet of Rs.1700 crores on an innovative product is no small bet. It again goes to the credit of the TATAs indomitable spirit, who believe in their convictions and to their social commitment of envisioning a world where an ordinary Indian need not drive in two wheeler with his two children! It was interesting to read about a few of the the very difficult choices they had to make in the process of finally deciding on the various components of the nano, which they did, to reach this stage of launching the product and honoring their promise. With such display of unflinching commitment of the team, the stake holders in this mega enterprise have reason to be proud of their association and ownership at this moment.
The launch of nano signifies amongst others, the coming of age of our design capability in the domain of the so called western world. That this has happened in India signifies that there is more to come. It also means that others can aspire to emulate and follow the foot steps of Narayan Murthy, Ratan Tata and the like. The government should recognize the revolutionary nature of this launch and support the product by way of rationalizing the tax structure and providing incentives for early recovery of the investments committed by the TATA house. That this is truly a people's care and caters to the basic modern day needs of the common man has its own political significance and the day is not too far when the politicians would catch it for credit irrespecive of their idelogies.
TATAs are special and we as Indians are truly proud of this Indian Multinational, who also make cars!!